We all know birds are clever. How they manage to build those beautiful nests, for example, or find their way during migration are questions posed by poets and prophets—and scientists—for centuries. The more we watch them, the more we find out just how clever they are. Blue Jay on feeder. Photo by Konni Wells Mom Read More
Congratulations, You’re a Birder!
“I’m not a birder, but I do enjoy my bird feeders.” We hear this a lot when we’re out and about, birding at a preserve or at a coastal overlook or some other place where others are out enjoying the same place. The conversation usually starts by them asking what we’re seeing for birds, and Read More
Why Do Forests Matter for Birds?
We know you know that forests are incredibly important for birds. You learned in school (we hope!) that they provide homes for birds, and provide the food they need to raise young and for successful travels to and from their breeding and wintering grounds. If you’ve hiked in a forest, or paddled a stream or river Read More
Five Years, Five Wildlife Reasons to Visit Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument
If you love Maine’s wildlife and haven’t yet been to the Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument (KWW), we really encourage you to go. The reasons are countless. It’s located in the heart of Maine’s beautiful North Woods, for one, with the majestic peak of Katahdin in view just about everywhere, it seems. For another, Read More
What Do Great Blue Herons “Really” Eat?
Everybody knows Great Blue Herons. Or think they do. Sure, their tall, long-necked, dagger-billed profiles make them pretty unmistakable as they stake their claims across Maine’s ocean shores, lakesides, ponds, streams, rivers, and muddy wetlands. Natural Resources Council of Maine members have shared with us oodles of photos of these magnificent birds. Maybe you call Read More
Bird/Doggy-ing the Neighborhood
Dogs change things. Since recently adopting one into our family (joining the ranks of many Natural Resources Council of Maine colleagues), we now have a dog snuggled at our feet if we’re working at the desk, cuddled on or near our laps if we’re watching the NBA playoffs (go, Hawks!), and curled up on our Read More
A Surprise Nest Guest
We’ve all had those unexpected house guests, folks who arrive (sometimes for an indefinite amount of time) with little to no heads up and leave you scrambling a little to make adjustments. Birds likewise can become host to unexpected guests to their home. In fact, this spring an Osprey pair in Georgetown found themselves temporarily Read More
Rare Dove Wings It into Maine
The cops had been notified. A notice had been posted on the city’s Facebook page. Neighbors had been informed. In other words, we followed the typical protocol when a VIP arrives in town. This one was extra special. It had wings. The guest that arrived for a short but exciting visit to our small city Read More
Acoustic Signs of Spring
The acoustic sounds of spring. This time of year, it’s hard to miss them, as birds are winding up to establish breeding territories and to attract mates. Do you have favorites? Maybe you have some that, when you hear them, make you say, “Yup, spring has arrived!” For us, there are many. The first whistled Read More