Scenic coastline and postcard-perfect coastal communities. Majestic mountains and pristine lakes. Ponds to explore. Moose, deer, loons, and other iconic wildlife. These are just some of the reasons that we are thankful to live in Maine. Traditionally, this is the time of year that we stop to consider the reasons we are thankful for what Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email
We Stand Ready: A Post-Election Message
The elections are behind us, and we face big challenges. The LePage Administration has proven hostile toward existing environmental protections for the last four years and has put up numerous roadblocks to progress. In addition, we have lost some strong advocates at the Legislature as a result of the elections. That is the bad news. Read More
The Big Picture: Leading Action on Climate Change
More and more people are coming together to work on climate change. It’s no wonder. We can plainly see changes in our lakes, forests, and backyard gardens. The number of cases of Lyme disease is exploding and many of us have had to take antibiotics because of deer tick bites. We hear on the national Read More
At the Core of Beauty and Peace: Paddling the Debsconeags
by NRCM board member Karen Herold In early July, NRCM’s Executive Director, Lisa Pohlmann, asked a friend and a couple of NRCM board members who like canoeing if we wanted to come for an end-of-summer paddle. The dates lined up effortlessly, but by mid-August we had yet to decide where to go. We batted around Read More
A River of People
They were old and young. Men and women. Black, white, brown, and everything in between. Workers with hardhats and professors. It seemed like the full spectrum of American diversity was on the streets in New York on Sunday, September 21st. And they were all calling for action on climate change. The messages were as diverse Read More
NRCM Bike Ride at the Proposed Katahdin Woods & Waters National Park
by NRCM Supporter Paul Corrigan of Millinocket, Maine The last time I visited the proposed park lands I was a wilderness therapy instructor working with girls with issues such as depression and substance abuse. Our team of instructors and clients began our backpacking trek at the Penobscot’s East Branch near Matagamon Lake. It was mid-November and Read More
Wildlife in the Wild Lands of Northern Maine
‘I took at trip to the EPI lands proposed for a new National Park and National Recreation Area this week. There is a lovely walk to one of many small ponds that is now marked along the Katahdin Loop Road. I had the great privilege of seeing a mother moose and her calf chilling out in Read More
Birding the Proposed National Park Lands
by Allison and Jeff Wells For birders like us, there’s no better way to explore new places than by watching and listening for the birds found there. Add to it another dozen bird enthusiasts and make the setting the breathtaking lands east of Baxter State Park proposed as a National Park and National Recreation Area, Read More
At the Maine Moose Permit Lottery
by NRCM member Alice Bolstridge The headline of a recent Bangor Daily News article reads “Maine to reduce moose hunt permits by 25 percent because winter ticks have taken toll on herd.” I had no idea that ticks have already had such a toll on Maine’s moose. I had heard about declining moose populations in New Read More