NRCM press release (Augusta, ME) – Maine is set to become the seventh state in the country with a law creating an industry-run collection and recycling program for leftover household paint. The law will provide Maine residents with a safe, convenient, and environmentally responsible way to dispose of their leftover latex and oil paint, while Read More
product stewardship
Maine Lawmakers Pass Bill to Create Paint Recycling Program
Has Broad Support from Paint Industry, Towns, Environmental Groups, and Retail Stores NRCM and PSI press release (Augusta, ME)—With strong bipartisan support, the Maine Legislature today enacted a bill to create an industry-run collection and recycling program for leftover household paint. If allowed to become law by Governor Paul LePage, the bill (LD 1308) would Read More
Support of LD 1335, An Act to Implement Recommendations of DEP Concerning Product Stewardship
Good afternoon Senator Boyle, Representative Welsh, and distinguished members of the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. My name is Abby King; I am the Toxics Policy Advocate with the Natural Resources Council of Maine. NRCM strongly supported the product stewardship framework bill approved by the Legislature and enacted into law in 2010, and Read More
Leftover Paint Waste Target of Maine Bill
Maine Public news story More than 70 million gallons of discarded household paint wind up in the nation’s landfills each year, and untold gallons more remain stored away in attics, basements and garages in sticky, dented containers. About 10 percent of all paint sold is wasted, and many homeowners don’t know what to do with Read More
When Talking Trash, We Should Put Disposal Programs in the Mix
Michael Boardman Portland Press Herald opinion piece PORTLAND – If there’s one topic that keeps popping up in the national news, it’s what to do with our trash. Americans produce more waste than any other country, more than half of which is residential garbage. Some of this garbage is in the form of household hazardous Read More
Support of LD 1308, An Act to Establish a Stewardship Program for Architectural Paint
Good afternoon Senator Boyle, Representative Welsh, and distinguished members of the Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. My name is Abby King, I am the Toxics Policy Advocate with the Natural Resources Council of Maine and I am here to testify in support of LD 1308. This bill provides a proven solution to the Read More
Maine Strong on Mercury Thermostat Recycling
New Maine Times news story A new report released this week shows that Maine’s program for collecting mercury thermostats is keeping the toxic heavy metal out of the trash and the environment, out-performing almost every other state in the nation. In most other states, weaker laws have spelled failure for the thermostat-recycling program, says the Read More
New Report Reveals Success of Product Stewardship in Maine
Payments for Recycled Thermostats Make Maine a Leading State Program NRCM Press Release A new report released today by the Natural Resources Council of Maine, Multi-state Mercury Products Campaign (MMPC), and Product Stewardship Institute, shows that Maine’s manufacturer-run program for collecting mercury thermostats is keeping the toxic heavy metal out of the trash and the Read More
Group Alleges Industry Influenced DEP’s Mercury Recycling Report
By Kevin Miller, BDN Staff Bangor Daily News news story The Natural Resources Council of Maine is accusing Maine Department of Environmental Protection officials of allowing an industry group to have undue influence on a recent report that calls for a re-evaluation of hazardous waste recycling programs. But a DEP spokeswoman said the department’s doors Read More