As Mainers, we are fortunate to live in such a beautiful state. Maine offers endless outdoor landscapes on the coast, in the mountains, and anywhere in between for us to explore and enjoy. With such an abundance of natural beauty, it becomes easy to take it for granted.

Photo taken from the top of Saddle Trail on Katahdin in September 2015. There was an inch of snow at the summit that day! Photo by Sarah Oberink
More and more, state and local governments as well as environmental organizations like the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) are making strides to protect the environment that makes Maine so spectacular. These groups work hard to make sure that this beautiful state of ours is protected not only for the next generation but for generations to come. To ensure conservation is upheld in the future, we can provide opportunities for children to develop an interest in the conservation of Maine’s environment.
NRCM’s grant program, Students Engaging in the Nature of Maine, helps students to interact with the Maine outdoors and teaches the importance of conservation by demonstrating the effects of a healthy, sustainable environment.
The eight middle school projects chosen for the grant were picked not only because they uphold the mission of NRCM, but because they also help spread these values throughout the community. Through these grant projects, these middle school classrooms can truly make a difference in our environment, and NRCM is proud to be a part of the important work these teachers and students are doing.
To read more about the middle school projects, please visit
by Sarah Oberink, NRCM Communications Intern
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