Frequent My Maine This Week contributing photographer and NRCM member David Preston of China Village, Maine, recently headed north for a fishing trip and writes, “I took an early fishing trip to the West Branch of the Penobscot. No fish, but I brought back some photos! Katahdin was still draped in snow. Nesowadehunk Falls was singing its baritone tune. Evening at our campsite at the deadwater. Sentinel Mountain over the Penobscot at dusk.”
We’re sorry you didn’t catch any fish, David, but we are thrilled that you shared your beautiful photos with us!
Have you spent time outdoors in Maine this spring? If so, we’d love to see your photos. Send them to us, along with a description of where they were taken, at

Camping at the deadwater, West Branch of the Penobscot River


Nesowadehunk Falls on the West Branch of the Penobscot River

Sentinel Mountain over Penobscot River