“I’ve been hoping to see a Sandhill Crane (a species I’d never seen) for years now, but have never timed it right. One recent afternoon I was able to photograph a pair, with a juvenile, near the Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village fields in New Gloucester. The sight and calls of these birds had me humming for days,” writes NRCM member Ted Anderson of Westbrook, Maine.
Ted also writes: “My new friend/neighbor is 87 years old and a lifelong birder. If I tell him about a bird sighting that’s come up on the internet, like Sandhill Cranes in New Gloucester, he’s good at saying, ‘Get in the car. We need to see them…and bring your camera.’ He’s a good influence. Recently, we were at the dam in Westbrook, watching Black-crowned Night Herons on the rocks.”
Do you have beautiful Maine wildlife photos to share? If so, please send them to us at nrcm@nrcm.org. Include your name, town of residence, and information about where the photo was taken.

Sandhill Cranes in New Gloucester, by Ted Anderson

Sandhill Cranes in New Gloucester, by Ted Anderson