My Maine This Week features photos sent to us by NRCM supporter Nicolle Littrell of Belfast, Maine.
The photos are all photos she took during various trips around Belfast Bay for her business, DoryWoman Rowing. You can see more photos from her rowing adventures on Facebook and Instagram by following @dorywomanrowing.
Nicolle writes, “I’m attaching a few photos of my rowing companions and me from rows this past week, along with a few images from a beautiful sunny row out in the bay yesterday. It wasn’t all wind and waves this past week! A range of conditions throughout the week is what winter rowing is all about!”
Want to join Nicolle for a rowing trip? If you are an NRCM member, you can get a discount on trips you book and take before May 31, 2022. Learn more & request your discount voucher.

“Oar calm”

Wind and waves upriver