We took our last ride to Endless Lake
Before the snowflakes fall.
It was pleasant and relaxing;
We really had a ball.
The leaves had mostly fallen,
Leaving the branches bare;
Yet the beauty I remembered,
Though different, was still there.
I walked along the rocky shore
And felt the water so cold;
I almost waded into it,
But wasn’t quite that bold.
We didn’t see any loons today,
Nor did we hear their lonely cry.
I guess that they have headed south
Wish I’d been there to say good-bye.
We couldn’t see Katahdin –
T’was hidden in a haze.
I could see it in my mind’s eye, though,
As I’d seen it in earlier days.
The greens have all turned brown now,
But the birches stand out so shite.
I looked up to see a blue sky
And a flock of geese in flight.
The lake lay blue and quiet
As it glistened in the sun.
I felt so good I wanted to shout
And jump and sing and run!
Still I felt a twinge of sadness
As we stood there on the ground.
I guess ‘cause I knew we wouldn’t be back
‘Til Old Man Winter had finished his round.
I think my buddy felt it, too,
Though he didn’t say a word.
There was a glimmer of sadness in his eyes
As we listened to the silence we heard.
Endless Lake is a beautiful place
No matter what the season.
I like to go there just to relax
If for no other reason.
Beautiful, wonderful Endless Lake,
I’ll be back to see you in the spring.
I look forward to the contentment
That only you can bring.
– by Sandy Holt Snide

Endless Lake photo by Beth Comeau