Think PINK!
This week’s My Maine This Week featured photos are taken by one of our frequent photographers and longtime NRCM members, Linda Woods of Waterville, Maine. Linda’s favorite color is pink, so naturally lady’s slippers are some of her favorite wildflowers. She shares some recent photos of the ones she has seen in her recent travels around the state. Lady’s slippers are illegal to pick, but they are fantastic photo subjects!
Linda writes, “All wildflowers warm my heart because they grow in beauty wherever they are and whether they are seen or not. Each one brightens the area around it just by being there. Their presence seems like a metaphor for life: ‘Grow where you are planted,’ and make the area around you a prettier place whether you are recognized or not.”
A great reminder, and some beautiful photos, from Linda. Thanks, Linda!

Crystal Spring Farms Trail and labyrinth, by Linda Woods

Mount Megunticook, Camden Hills State Park, by Linda Woods

China School Forest, China, Maine, by Linda Woods

Ovens Mouth Preserve, Boothbay, by Linda Woods