Photo of Camden Harbor from Mount Battie, Camden Hills State Park. MissingLynx photo.
The Camden Hills, which offer spectacular views of Penobscot Bay and the surrounding countryside, are a popular destination both for out-of-state visitors and area residents. Camden Hills State Park sees the highest day-use of any park in Maine and its visitation keeps growing. The area’s scenic beauty is matched by its ecological significance: the Maine Natural Areas Program has identified the Camden Hills as a “focus area” and The Nature Conservancy has named it a “Portfolio Site for the Northern Appalachian/Acadian Ecoregion.”With a grant from the Land for Maine’s Future program, The Nature Conservancy helped the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands acquire a 29-acre parcel near Route One in Camden that helps to buffer the state park campground. Two additional parcels abutting the park, totaling 20 acres, were also acquired as part of the financial match for the LMF grant. The protection of these tracts contributes to visitors’ enjoyment of the Park. Residential development adjacent to the Park’s summits would compromise the views of Penobscot Bay and the outdoor experience that the Park provides. Having private residences adjacent to the park campground would have been particularly problematic due to potential noise and light pollution. This acquisition prevents such disruptions, helping to enhance the natural character of the park.
Closest Town
Hiking, camping, bird & other wildlife watching, horseback riding, snowmobiling, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and mountain biking
Midcoast Maine – Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox, Waldo
Directions from nearest town
DeLorme Maine Atlas and Gazetteer, Map 14 D-4. To reach the main entrance to Camden Hills State Park, go north on Route 1 from Camden village approximately 1.5 miles. The park entrance is on the left.